Pricing Table

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  • 1 Listings
  • Limited purchase by account


  • 3 Listings
  • Unlimited purchase by account


  • 5 Listings
  • Unlimited purchase by account

Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I obtain a receipt for my premium membership payments?

Receipts for your premium membership payments can be accessed and downloaded directly from your account. Navigate to the billing or account settings section to view and download your payment history and receipts.

Is my payment information stored on Xnavodayan Careers Point servers?

We prioritize your security, and for that reason, we do not store your payment information on our servers. Our payment processing is handled by trusted third-party providers who adhere to strict security standards.

What happens if my payment method fails during a billing cycle?

If your payment method fails, we will notify you, and you'll have a grace period to update your payment information. If the issue persists, your premium membership may be temporarily suspended until the payment is successfully processed.

Can I change my subscription plan after signing up for a premium membership?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription plan at any time. Simply visit your account settings and select the desired plan. Changes will be reflected in your next billing cycle.

Our Happy Customer

Xnavodayan Career Plaza exceeded my expectations! Its user-friendly interface and expert advice truly empower individuals to excel in their careers 

Alex W.
Alex W.
Marketing Manager

Thanks to Xnavodayan Career Plaza, I gained clarity about my career path. The platform's support and advice are invaluable for career advancement 

Emily S.
Emily S.

I highly recommend Xnavodayan Career Plaza for its comprehensive career development tools. It's a game-changer for anyone seeking professional growth  

John D.
John D.

Xnavodayan Career Plaza made my job hunt effortless! The tailored resources and guidance helped me land my dream job.  

Sarah M.
Sarah M.
Graphic designer